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Video Annotation


Video annotation focuses on the linguistic analysis and annotation of audiovisual content, such as videos or audio recordings.

This service helps extract valuable linguistic information and insights from spoken language and visual cues within video data.

The service primarily deals with video or audio content that contains spoken language, discussions, interviews, or any form of verbal communication.



Speech Transcription
Purpose: Transcribing spoken language into written text.
Process: Trained annotators listen to the audio in the video and convert spoken words into written form. This includes capturing speech from various speakers if it's a multi-speaker video.


Speaker Identification
Purpose: Determining and labeling who is speaking at different points in the video.
Process: Annotators identify and label speakers by name or identifier, allowing for tracking of conversations or discussions.


Text Alignment
Purpose: Aligning the transcribed text with the corresponding timecodes in the video.
Process: The service ensures that each word or phrase in the transcript is synchronized with the exact moment it is spoken in the video.


Emotion and Sentiment Analysis
Purpose: Analyzing and annotating emotional content expressed through speech and non-verbal cues in the video.
Process: Annotators mark emotional expressions, such as joy, anger, sadness, or sentiment (positive, negative, neutral), helping clients understand the emotional tone of the content.


Language Identification
Purpose: Identifying and labeling the languages spoken in multilingual videos.
Process: Linguistic annotators determine the languages being spoken, enabling clients to target specific linguistic regions or audiences.


Subtitle or Caption Generation
Purpose: Creating subtitles or captions for accessibility or content localization.
Process: Annotators transcribe and synchronize spoken content to produce readable subtitles or captions that align with the video's timing.


Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Purpose: Identifying and tagging named entities, such as names of people, organizations, locations, or other specific terms mentioned in the video.
Process: Annotators mark and categorize named entities, making them easily searchable and analyzable.


Content Summarization
Purpose: Summarizing the spoken content into concise and informative text.
Process: Annotations extract key points and summarize the main ideas discussed in the video.